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Gopher: evilgroup

 *  /---------------------------------------\
 *  | The introduction to... |
 *  | Arkwood Pond's Favorite Detective vs. |
 *  | The Evil Group |
 *  \---------------------------------------/
 *  That's good coffee. Real good coffee. Okay, I think I'm ready to get
 *  back to work.
 *  I grabbed my jacket and case and headed back out into the street. I
 *  looked over to my left, where my destination should be, but something
 *  seemed off. Somthing was terribly off. I looked again, and I just
 *  couldn't quite put my finger on it. Something was wrong and I... what
 *  was I doing? I had coffee and then...
 *  **Right!** *Work!*
 *  I set off to go back to the office and *thaaaaaaaaaat's* what's
 *  wrong. The office is gone. How's it gone? That makes no sense. At
 *  least I wasn't in the building. But still... how's the office...
 *  **Crap!** Cynthia was eating lunch in there! Is she okay? I hope she's
 *  okay.
 *  Nothing. There's nobody, no reason why the building's gone. How'd it
 *  disappear so fast? I mean, it has... how many floors does it have? I
 *  should know this. Why don't I?
 *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  *There's your teaser. Now you can enjoy the rest of this story by
 *  reading from the links below.*
 *  It Beginsplain
 *  The Submissionplain
 *  A Chief Concernplain
 *  The Odd Tripplain
 *  Uh-Ohplain
 *  ==============
 *  |FrillerWorks| <- Because teasing people is fun.
 *  ==============
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