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Gopher: badguy

 *  Arkwood Pond's Favorite Detective in the Search for The Bad Guy
 *  ===============================================================
 *  The very first adventure involving Our Favorite Detective is one of
 *  the oldest features on this site. It has inspired quite a few other
 *  stories, as well as the invention of [The Pond
 *  Informant](http://arkwoodpond.info/), our very own newspaper site.
 *  This story has created spin offs, such as SuperMegaTroise, which are
 *  also available on the site, and is possibly the longest running story
 *  on the site.
 *  Come, enjoy the tale of Our Favorite Detective as he searches to find
 *  a man who has a paper bag; finds new friendship; and learns many new
 *  things along the way by clicking on one of the links below.
 *  Part 1: The Detective Dudeplain
 *  Part 2: Benjamin's Coffeeplain
 *  Part 3: Later that evening...plain
 *  Part 4: Day 2 or Who would have guessed we would get this far this fastplain
 *  Part 5: The Christmas Episodeplain
 *  Part 6: The New Briefcaseplain
 *  Part 7: The Penguin Stickerplain
 *  Part 8: The Conferenceplain
 *  Part 9: The Conference: Part 2plain
 *  Part 10: Number 10! It is here!plain
 *  Part 11: Hey, it's got ones!plain
 *  Part 12: Cynthia?
 *  And once you're finished with the story, you can enjoy the rest of
 *  the dream by reading...
 *  SuperMegaTroise!plain
 *  ==============
 *  |FrillerWorks| <- If you think this is bad... then you're probably
 *  ============== right
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